Awareness for Leaders

One thing that really makes a global difference in evolving your response to complexity and mess is your capacity for awareness. Here are some practices to try out.

How to deal with unpredictable days
(Awareness for Leaders video 1)

Here's a bit of advice about something that's really helped me when either (a) I've been feeling a lot of anxiety and/or (b) things have been unpredictable. ...

Make routine tasks fresh again
(Awareness for Leaders video 2)

This is a practice I use to bring me back into the moment when I'm doing something I've become very accustomed to. Have a go at First Time, Last Time and let me know how it goes!

How I deal with an adrenaline ambush
(Awareness for Leaders video 3)

It can be very helpful for us to have strategies in advance for when mind monsters grab us. This is a practice that's helped me, cobbled together from what works for me.

Mind/emotion stuff is very personal, of course, and Iā€™m pretty neurotypical, so your mileage may vary.

It can be very helpful for us to have strategies in advance for when mind monsters grab us. This is a practice that's helped me, cobbled together from what w...

Outside. Body. Inside. Up.
(Awareness for Leaders video 4)

This is an easy-to-implement awareness practice for evolving leaders that teaches me something every time I do it. Give it go.

Awareness practices for leaders (and that's all of us
(Awareness for Leaders video 5)

Growing your awareness of awareness reaches into all corners of your ability to take wise and timely action. As the fifth of five videos on awareness practices for leaders, we look at why that is and I offer a buffet of options that you can implement.