How we can get more people onboard by learning more about complexity lenses

Whenever we are working to get a broad swathe of people onboard with our ideas, we do us and them a disservice by only communicating from the narrow lens we ourselves have on complexity.

Separate to personality typologies that stay relatively stable over time (MBTI, Enneagram all that jazz) the way people make meaning can change over time (doesn’t always) in very recognisable stages.

If you’re working with a wide range of people, you’ll likely have people at many different stages (and at different transitions between them).

In this audio, I give a very high-level overview of the work on adult development and the stages adults can through to grow more fit-for-purpose lenses on the world, what that means for you and therefore what that means for the way you put things forward to them.

And yes, this has implications for politics and movement building.

You can download the audio by clicking on the download button.

Complexity of Mind Stages
Meg Lightheart

If you want a tl;dl version, here’s a thread I did on Bluesky a while back:

For a more in-depth look at these stages, and particularly how they apply in work, check out Jennifer’s book here - the second edition is grrreat. She works with a lot of coaches, so there is a slant, but the most up-to-date and accessible work on the stages no matter what you do in work.
